Nnrisk factors for stroke pdf files

Mar 29, 2015 these risk factors may be divided into medical conditions and behavioral risk factors. Stroke can further leads to disability and even death. The nicotine in cigarettes raises blood pressure, and the carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke reduces the amount of oxygen that your blood can carry. Worrall points out that providers can try to reverse strokes as theyre happening with clotbusting drugs and other therapies. The way a stroke is treated depends on the stroke type, location, and extent of brain damage. The 3 biggest risk factors for a stroke the motley fool. So, make sure you know your risk factors for having oneit just may save your life. This type of stroke is known as an ischaemic stroke. When a person has a stroke, although the risk factors for a stroke may be out of our immediate control, there are some things that we can do to minimize. Other risk factors for stroke that are equally controllable are in order of their importa. Today, well look at the biggest risk factors of this disease, as well as things you can do to. Learn about the causes, what you cant modify, and healthy changes you can make. You can change or treat some risk factors, but others you cant.

The most important treatable conditions linked to stroke are. Risk factors should be considered together to understand the overall risk of stroke. An individual who may suffer a stroke will lose the ability to speak and have memory problems, they can also become paralyzed on one side of the body. Stroke risk factors there are many risk factors for stroke, the front runner being high blood pressure. A blood deficit causes ischemic strokes, and hemorrhagic strokes are a result of excessive bleeding. Stroke can occur at any age, but your chances of stroke do increase with certain risk factors. Stroke risk factors approximately 80 percent of strokes can be prevented. Keep your stroke risks low with regular checkups and treatment for these conditions if you have them. Symptoms, causes, risk factors, types and treatment. Jan 17, 2017 stroke risk factors include age and behaviors such as smoking.

Analysis of knowledge of risk factors for stroke has occurred in a number of different groups, including community groups, people at high risk of stroke or tia, and those who have recently had a stroke or tia table 1. Although a stroke can cause lasting damage to ones health, the good news is that many of the risk factors are avoidable by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A stroke can happen to anyone but there are some things that increase your risk of a stroke. Stroke risk factors that are not within your control.

The risk factors for stroke are behaviors or medical conditions that cause fatty plaque to build up in blood vessels, increase the clotting tendency of the blood or cause clots to form in and break off from the heart. The newspaper report is accurate and importantly highlights that the majority of the risk factors for stroke are modifiable. Eat a balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight, and exercise to reduce blood pressure. If your parents had a stroke, you are at higher risk. Global burden of stroke and risk factors in 188 countries. Family members may have a genetic tendency for stroke or share a lifestyle that contributes to stroke.

The most important risk factors for stroke are hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and cigarette smoking. Many people think a stroke happens in the heart, but it happens in the brain. Ten simple and modifiable risk factors for stroke, including high blood pressure and smoking, comprise 90% of a persons risk, a study shows. Though some stroke risk factors are uncontrollable, such as age and race, other risk factors are in your control and making small lifestyle changes can reduce your stroke risk. Stroke is among the leading causes of death in the u. Knowledge of risk factors and warning signs of stroke. This hospitalbased study aims to assess the prevalence and control of these risk factors in. Africanamericans and stroke information from the national stroke association. The facts and conclusions presented may have since changed and may no longer be accurate. The most common type of stroke is ischemic 85percent and occurs when the artery that supplies oxygenated blood to the brain becomes blocked by a blood clot. Lets talk about lifestyle changes to prevent stroke pdf tia and stroke. This is best understood by dividing the brain into. Every year, about 610,000 people in the united states have a new stroke.

Several factors can cause a stroke or increase the risk of a stroke. Anyone, including children, can have a stroke at any time. Health care guideline diagnosis and initial treatment of ischemic stroke icsi has endorsed with qualifications the following american heart association ahaamerican stroke association asa documents. Acute stroke diagnosis and management dr gemma smith specialty trainee in elderly care and stroke medicine correspondence gemma smith. For more information about stroke risk factors, call the owh helpline at 18009949662 or check out the following resources from other organizations. Ninds excerpt stroke seems to run in some families. Every year, about 800,000 people in the united states have a strokeand about 1 out of 4 of those strokes are recurrent strokes. For each risk factor, select the box higher risk or lower risk that applies to you. Learn more about causes, risk factors, screening and prevention, signs and symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments for stroke, and how to participate in clinical trials.

Different local studies have identified risk factors for stroke in pakistan. Sudden bleeding in the brain can also cause a stroke. Health care guideline diagnosis and initial treatment of. Most stroke risk factors are lifestyle related, so everyone has the power to reduce their risk of having a stroke. Stroke is a heterogeneous syndrome, and determining risk factors and treatment depends on the specific pathogenesis of stroke. Your likelihood of suffering a stroke later in life may hinge on what youre doing right now. High blood pressure or hypertension is the biggest risk factor for stroke by far.

Modifiable risk factors of stroke are presumably poorly controlled in nepalese population. The remarkable decline in stroke mortality must be related to either a decreased risk for stroke or better treatment. Data extraction and synthesis two authors performed data extraction independently. A total of 684 consecutive stroke patients were interviewed. Its important to know what the risk factors are and do what you can to reduce your risk. Risk factors in various subtypes of ischemic stroke according. That means that habits like eating healthy, being active and living smoke free, have a big impact on your health. Study selection observational studies reporting associations between sexspecific risk factors and stroke were selected.

Some stroke risk factors, such as gender, age and family history, cant be controlled. Did we answer your question about stroke risk factors. Social factors major determinant of stroke, cvd risk. Ahaasa guidelines for the early management of patients with acute ischemic stroke 20. Jun 18, 2010 ten simple and modifiable risk factors for stroke, including high blood pressure and smoking, comprise 90% of a persons risk, a study shows. Diabetes 4 percentalthough we still dont know exactly to what extent each of these factors contributes to stroke risk, they provide a strong foundation for preventive efforts, says. When a stroke is suspected, blood tests, mris, ct scans, carotid ultrasound, cerebral angiogram, echocardiogram, and a physical examination can be used to confirm the diagnosis. Associations between sexspecific risk factors and stroke jama. High blood pressure is the main risk factor for stroke. This brochure was developed to give you a better understanding of the causes. Nov 28, 2007 one in 16 deaths in the united states is directly related to a stroke. While most people who have a stroke are older, younger. Various socioeconomic determinants predispose patients to developing cvd and stroke, especially in the united states, according to a presentation at the international stroke conference.

Smoking and the risk of stroke call the stroke helpline on 0303 3033 100 blood supply to part of the brain. This is because high blood pressure and high cholesterol do not usually cause symptoms. By having regular medical checkups and knowing your risk, you can focus on what you can change and lower your risk of stroke. Microsoft powerpoint risk factors for stroke and heart attack2. Many factors such as high blood pressure, smoking, diet, and obesity can raise your risk of stroke. When someone has shown symptoms of a stroke or a tia transient ischemic attack. Many stroke causes overlap with and contribute to one another.

Stroke risk factors that you can control everyday health. Explaining stroke is a practical stepbystep booklet. Diabetes 4 percentalthough we still dont know exactly to what extent each of these factors contributes to stroke risk, they provide. For this reason, preventing recurrent stroke is an important goal in the longterm healthcare plan for stroke survivors. Many risk factors for falls have been identified for stroke patients, such as. Factors for a stroke stroke prevention is still the best medicine. Nine in ten canadians have at least one risk factor for stroke or heart disease. A stroke is a medical emergency because it inhibits blood flow to the brain causing cellular death. More people survive these brain attacks, but the health problems that cause stroke arent going away. Five risk factors for stroke university of utah health. A stroke is a direct result of interrupted or decreased blood supply to the brain. While there is no way to predict when a stroke may occur, having routine physical exams with your doctor can help identify alreadypresent risk factors and set preventative treatment plans to avoid strokes from taking. Respondents in older age groups and having lower levels of educational attainment tended to have less knowledge of risk factors and warning signs of stroke than those in younger age groups and.

Some factors are out of your control, like family history. Your doctor will regularly monitor your blood pressure every time you visit. Pdf knowledge of risk factors and warning signs of stroke. Stress can also raise blood pressure to cause a stroke. Having had one stroke greatly increases your risk of having another stroke. Further studies are required to clarify the role and interplay of the risk factors outlined to give a more comprehensive understanding of stroke and to aid and drive the development of more effective stroke prevention programs, in high risk groups. Lucy wright, dphil, jane green, dphil, angela balkwill, msc, sau wan kan, msc. Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability in the united states and throughout the world. A normal, healthy blood pressure is lower than 12080 mm hg. These risk factors may be divided into medical conditions and behavioral risk factors. The frequency of completed stroke is high in persons with transient ischemic attacks, but not in those with asymptomatic carotid bruits. Risk factors eight risk factors including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cigarette smoking, serum cholesterol, smoking, alcohol consumption, waist to hip ratio, family history of stroke and transient ischemic attack were identified. That means that if you tackle one cause or risk factor of stroke, you will simultaneously minimize one or more of the others.

The 3 biggest risk factors for a stroke stroke is the fourthleading cause of death in the u. Almost 80% of premature stroke and heart disease can be prevented through healthy behaviors. Men have a higher risk of getting heart disease than women, except in older adults. Cigarette smoking can damage the heart and blood vessels, increasing your risk for stroke. Several factors that are beyond your control can increase your risk for stroke.

Enter a 1 on the blank line next to each checked box. Methods we used data on stroke related dalys, risk factors, and paf from the gbd 20 study to estimate the burden of stroke by age and sex with corresponding 95% uncertainty intervals ui in 188 countries, as measured with stroke related dalys in 1990 and 20. The clinical consequences of stroke are best classified based upon the anatomical regionss of the brain affected. The number of stroke patients who had one or more risk factors increased from 88 percent in 2004 to 95 percent in 2014, the findings showed. Some people have spasticity, or muscle tightness, which can lead to. A stroke occurs if the flow of oxygenrich blood to a portion of the brain is blocked.

Many people think that strokes only happen to older people but stroke can strike anyone at any time. Other reversible risk factors are smoking, the use of oral contraceptives, alcoholic excess, a low level of physical activity, blood hyperviscosity and drug abuse. The research was designed as a casecrossover study, an epidemiological method that uses each patient as his own control and especially developed to assess the effect of potential triggers on the incidence of acute events. Smokers are also more likely to develop high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for stroke. They also talk about some behavior changes you can make to improve your chances of preventing a. This article, the first of a fivepart series on stroke, discusses definitions, epidemiology, risk factors and diagnosis to help nurses gain indepth understanding of this complex condition. If you know your risk factors, you can work with your doctor or nurse to get them under control. Here we are discussing about stroke, types of stroke and risk factors. Stroke risk factors strokes tend to occur with equal frequency among both men and women. Stroke national heart, lung, and blood institute nhlbi.

High blood pressure hypertension is when blood flows through blood vessels at a pressure. Physical effects of stroke 2 call the stroke helpline on 0303 3033 100 pain pain is another common physical problem. Guide to significant stroke causes and risk factors. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are two important stroke risk factors, yet women may be unaware of their risk. Knowing your risk factors for stroke is the first step in preventing a stroke. A stroke interrupts blood flow to an area of the brain.

Hemorrhagic strokes occur when an artery in the brain leaks blood or ruptures, which can damage brain cells by exerting pressure. Your doctor can evaluate your risk for stroke and help you control your risk factors. Learn about the risk factors of a stroke, and how you can work with your doctor to help mitigate them. Your stroke risk is greater if a parent, grandparent, sister, or brother has had a stroke. A guide to stroke risk factors and treatment university. Smoking nearly doubles your risk of having an ischaemic stroke. Tom miller explores the risk factors for stroke with dr. Stroke risk factors and prevention better health channel.

Stroke risk factors and symptoms risk factors for a stroke. Men experience higher risks for stroke than women do, and older people have higher chances than younger people to have a stroke. A guide to stroke risk factors and treatment the term stroke encompasses a wide diversity of vascular diseases of the central nervous system cerebrovascular diseases. Controlling one or more of these risk factors can significantly lower your risk of stroke. Falls are common events among hospital inpatients and constitute a major health problem in the rehabilitation setting. The 922,000 people included in the study had been hospitalized for an ischemic stroke, which is caused by a blocked blood vessel in the brain. For example, if you exercise to ward off stroke, it will also lend itself to the prevention of both hypertension and obesity. Hemorrhagic stroke is less common, but tends to be more fatal.

Even if you dont smoke, breathing in other peoples. Approximately 80% of stroke events could be reduced by making simple lifestyle modifications. It occurs when blood vessel ruptures causing disruption of blood flow in brain. A person who has already had a stroke or heart attack is at much higher risk of having a second stroke. Dec 22, 2011 stroke risk factors that you can control. Colman ryan, md facc frcpi clinical professor of medicine university of california, san francisco, school of medicine san francisco, ca executive director. High blood pressure obesity high cholesterol levels narrowed arteries diabetes arrhythmia or afib previous stroke or. But you can control some, including diet and physical activity.